CO2 capture from industrial clusters with multiple sources, a REALISE mini-seminar,

The REALISE CCUS project brings together partners from science and industry in Europe, China, and South Korea to demonstrate the full carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) chain – from CO2 capture, transport, and geological storage to CO2 reuse – for industrial clusters centered on refineries.
This webinar provides a comprehensive overview of carbon capture on multiple sources industries and how to deal with this scenario. Experts will clarify the aspects and challenges of this sector.
14:00 – Introduction
14:05 – “Understanding the CO2 capture from industrial clusters scenario”; Andressa Nakao, NTNU, Norway
14:35 – “The importance of energy recovery for carbon capture integration in a multistack refinery”; Matteo Gilardi, POLIMI, Italy
15 :05 – “OCTOPUS, a fast-running tool for evaluation of multi-stack CO2 capture processes”, Jasper A.Ros, TNO, the Netherlands