Optimising CO2 capture from industrial clusters

At the Go Net Zero Energy summit in Brussels on the 24-25th October, research scientist Jasper Ros presented some of the work carried out as part of WP2 of the REALISE CCUS project on CO2 capture from industrial clusters with multiple sources.
Ros and colleagues at TNO and NTNU are exploring ways to link multiple stacks in large oil refineries to the same CO2 capture infrastructure in order to cost-effectively decrease the post-combustion emissions of a cluster.
Energy recovery strategies are crucial to sustainably integrate a carbon capture facility in a multistack oil refinery. Recovering residual heat from flue gases and/or using steam produced near the refinery are a couple of the approaches being tested to meet the CO2 capture plant’s energy requirements.
As part of the REALISE CCUS project, Ros has also been developing the Online Calculator To Optimize CO2 capture Processes for mUltiple Stacks (OCTOPUS) tool.
Based on input parameters of each stack, such as flue gas flow rate, CO2 concentration and temperature, and the constraints and requirements of the site, OCTOPUS can calculate the most effective CO2 capture solution for the whole cluster.
To illustrate the tool’s features, Ros presented a case study on a refinery with five different CO2 sources with different CO2 concentrations (3 – 20% vol wet basis) and gas flow rates (varying from 50000 m3/h to 500000 m3/h). OCTOPUS calculated the cost and energy demands of all the possible configurations of stacks. These results will allow industrial sites with multiple flue gas stacks to optimise CO2 capture on their site.
The tool has a user-friendly interface and because it uses its own database, containing around 10,000 simulation results from a standard CO2 capture plant model on CO2SIM, it can provide a set of reliable results quickly, avoiding the need to perform time-consuming simulations.
OCTOPUS will be further improved in the coming months to include more data, such as REALISE’s optimised solvent, with public release expected in the last quarter of 2023.
“At the Go Net Zero meeting, representatives from the major oil and gas companies, which are often part of industrial clusters or refineries, showed great interest in the OCTOPUS tool and the research we are doing in the REALISE project,” said Jasper Ros, research scientist at TNO.