The Post Combustion Capture Conference (PCCC-7) co-hosted by the IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEAGHG), the US Department of Energy and the National Energy Technology Laboratory took place in Pittsburgh, PA, USA, from Monday 25th to Wednesday 27th September 2023.
The following REALISE-CCUS project results were presented at the conference:
Emission measurement tests to study the potential for performance improvement of the absorber emissions monitoring system (ACEMS) prototype. Actor Chikukwa, Karol Michalski, Lars Hovdahl, Kai Hjarbo, Thor Mejdell, Andreas Grimstvedt, Merete Wiig, Kai Vernstad, Aslak Einbu.
Pilot plant testing of HS-3 solvent. Thor Mejdell, Kai Hjarbo, Actor Chikukwa, Karol Michalski, Lars Hovdahl, Andreas Grimstvedt, Merete Wiig, Inna Kim.