Seminar: Reducing Industrial Emissions through Carbon Capture and Storage

REALISE CCUS brings together partners from science and industry in Europe, China and South Korea to demonstrate the full CCUS chain – from CO2 capture, transport and geological storage to CO2 reuse – for industrial clusters centred on refineries.
As part of the project’s programme of activities, we’re delighted to present a half-day seminar entitled “Reducing Industrial Emissions through Carbon Capture and Storage” in Cork, Ireland.
This free event features speakers from:
Environmental Research Institute, UCC (Ireland);
Scottish Carbon Capture and Storage (UK);
SINTEF (Norway);
Concawe (Belgium);
Global CCS Institute (Australia).
The seminar will take place at the Clayton Hotel Cork City, 12 May 2022 09:00 – 12:30, followed by a buffet lunch
For more information, including a full agenda and to book a place, click below.